Video Player

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Building the Getty website’s streaming video player represents one of my greatest challenges. Not only did I learn best practices for optimizing files for streaming, but also valuable lessons on developing a stable application. Upon receiving initial designs, I worked with our web team to make the player come alive. Coding and design was an iterative process with user testing in phases of the player’s development which resulted in the evolution of its final design and functionality. The player was used across the Getty’s website to play various video content ranging from recording of lectures to documentation of artworks.

Role: Lead Programmer
Personal Achievements:

  • Programmed in Flash/ActionScript 3.0
  • Dynamic integration of video and associated content via XML across the website
  • Streams MP4s and FLVs
  • Automatic detection of file type, size, duration
  • Pop-up to a bigger size + fullscreen options
  • Link and embed methods
  • Information and associated downloads options